I love being a mommy!
What joy this little boy brings into our life. I love watching him learn and seeing him smile.
E.B. Browning said...
"God's gifts put man's best dreams to shame."
Calen is truly a gift from God. I am amazed more and more as I come to realize that Calen is truly a child of our Father in Heaven, and that He would trust Chase and I with such a sweet spirit. These past three months have not been easy, but I wouldn't trade them for the world. Anyone who says all babies do is eat, sleep, and poop must not have spent much time around a baby lately. They also smile and burp, make funny faces and silly noises, they make you laugh and cry, and they are constantly teaching mom and dad a lesson. Here are some of the lessons we have learned so far...
1. Never take sleep for granted (... for the rest of my life I will wake up grateful that I slept the night before)
2. I owe more to my own mother than I could ever give back (but oh, how I ought to try)
3. Always bring a change of clothes (for baby and you!)
4. The more you try the more frustrated you'll be, the more you love the less frustrating it will seem and (miraculously, I believe) the more capable I become when it comes to handling difficult situations. (I'm constantly being taught this, one day I'll have it down completely)
5. There is a reason God designed families the way he did, I'm so grateful to have a husband to share this beautiful experience of parenthood with.
6. Asking for help does not make me a bad mother.
7. Family, isn't it about time?
Okay there are only a few of the many lessons I've been learning as a new mommy.
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